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The Power of Wise Speech

Life often throws us curveballs, situations that challenge our sense of control and stir up distress. I’ve noticed that a significant source of this distress can be the desire for things to be different than they are.

In this journey of navigating life’s stresses, communication clearly plays a pivotal role. For me, the Buddhist concept of “wise speech” becomes a guiding light, leading us towards a way of expressing ourselves that benefits not only us but everyone around us.

The Slippery Slope of Unwise Communication

We’ve all been there—moments when our words escape before we’ve had a chance to filter them. Recently, I found myself in such a situation with a close family member. The topic was sensitive, but instead of approaching it with thoughtfulness, I blurted out my thoughts.

The aftermath was hurt feelings, but a subsequent conversation allowed for a good repair. For me, this experience illustrated how easily and quickly unhelpful communication can sneak into our lives, often without us realizing the negative impact it can have until the damage is done.

Communication with Ourselves

Wise speech isn’t limited to how we communicate with others; it extends to our internal dialogue. Research suggests that around 80% of our thoughts tend to be negative, influencing our self-esteem and overall well-being.

This “negativity bias” can, in turn, affect how we communicate with others. The interconnection between self-communication and outward expression highlights the importance of cultivating kindness in our speech, both to ourselves and to others.

The Core Tenets of Wise Speech

Wise speech encourages truthful, kind, and constructive communication. When faced with the choice to speak, consider these guiding principles: Is it true? Is it kind? Is it helpful? Is it the right time? Does it improve upon the silence? These questions can act as a helpful barometer for mindful communication.

Extending Wise Speech to Communities

The impact of wise speech becomes amplified when extended to communities. Open and honest communication builds trust, fosters empathy, and reduces conflict. Wise speech promotes understanding, making it easier for individuals to hear diverse perspectives and collaborate. Taken a step further, by challenging harmful speech, we create spaces where people feel safe, valued, and heard.

A Call for a More Just Society

In acknowledging the unequal nature of our society, we recognize that not everyone’s voice is heard equally. The transformative power of wise speech, especially when practiced by those in positions of power, has the potential to reshape dialogues and contribute to a more equal and just society. Active and compassionate listening, coupled with supportive dialogues, can pave the way for positive change.

By being mindful of our words, both internally and externally, we contribute to a more compassionate and understanding world. My hope is that we’ll learn to utilize speech as a powerful tool that, when wielded consciously, will create positive ripples in our personal lives and extend its impact to the world we live in.

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