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The Longing for Change and How to Handle Bad News

Are you exhausted with the news cycle sharing bad news after bad news? Is it leaving you wishing for things to be different than they are? Do you find yourself longing for change?

Well, my friend, you’re not alone. The world we live in is complex, and let’s be honest, recently, it’s been weighing heavily on our hearts. In some ways, it’s felt like things won’t ever get better. And I’m right there with you, hoping and waiting for certain things to change, especially when I see the suffering it’s causing others, including this beautiful planet that we live on.

The Longing for Change

This longing for change is a normal response to the challenges and uncertainties of our world. It’s perfectly natural to want things to be different, especially when life seems to throw challenges at us relentlessly. The good news is that change is constantly happening all around us, even if we don’t always see it.

Navigating Change

To navigate the longing for change, it can be helpful to take a step back and start noticing the little things in life that are always changing all around us. Rather than waiting for everything to change at once, we can begin by acknowledging the gradual shifts.

Tackle Challenges Step by Step

When faced with a significant challenge, it’s often more manageable to focus on one small aspect of it instead of trying to solve the entire problem at once. Break it down into smaller, more achievable steps.

Recognize Changing Emotions

Emotions are not static. They ebb and flow. So, when you find yourself stuck in one particular mood, remember that it’s not a permanent state. Emotions change, and you won’t always feel the way you do in this moment.

Embrace Laughter and Joy

Pay attention to moments of laughter and happiness in your life. Notice how these moments make you feel. Embracing the positive moments, no matter how small, can provide a sense of relief and hope.

A Helpful Mantra

The next time you find yourself wishing for change, take a pause, take a deep breath, and remind yourself: “Things are changing all around me. We’re all capable of making change happen, even if we have to start small.”

Discovering Tarot as a Navigational Tool

I recently stumbled upon a new practice that has provided me with valuable guidance in navigating life’s challenges – Tarot. During a retreat I attended last week, I had the opportunity to consult a skilled Tarot reader. She encouraged me to “pull cards” frequently as I addressed some difficulties in my life. This experience was transformative, and I couldn’t help but share the insights I gained.

Throughout the retreat, I repeatedly pulled the King of Cups card (pictured here) from the Tarot deck. For me, this card represents equanimity in the face of any challenge. The King of Cups embodies emotional balance, wisdom, and a calm demeanor, even in turbulent times. As I meditated on the imagery and symbolism of this card, I realized the profound lesson it held for me.

Now, whenever I encounter a challenge, I’ll remember and call upon the wisdom of the King of Cups. I’ll remind myself to maintain emotional balance, approach difficulties with equanimity, and foster a sense of calm in the face of turbulence. The King of Cups will serve as my anchor, guiding me through life’s storms with grace and inner strength.

If you’d like to find out more, click the button below and schedule a free, 15-minute call. We’ll discuss how we may be able to help.

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