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Responding to Hurtful Teen Behavior

During my years as a family counselor, I’ve had the privilege of working with countless families facing various challenges. Very often sessions touch on how parents can actually improve and strengthen their relationship when responding to hurtful teen behavior. One particular session comes to mind, where I witnessed a powerful moment of hurt and frustration manifesting in “strong” language.

Recognizing the Mask of Anger: Understanding the Underlying Emotions

As the session unfolded, a teenager, let’s call him Alex, lashed out at his parents with hurtful language. Underneath the anger on Alex’s face, I saw his pain and recognized that his outburst stemmed from feeling unheard and misunderstood. Understanding that undesirable behavior is a signal of unaddressed needs, we must look beyond the surface and empathize with the real emotions.

Creating a Safe Environment: Handling Crucial Moments:

In this crucial moment, it was important to handle the situation delicately and maintain a safe environment for everyone involved. By acknowledging Alex’s feelings of frustration and the struggle to be heard, we validated his feelings without condoning his hurtful language. This approach shifted the atmosphere and allowed him to feel heard and understood.

Validating the Parents’ Feelings: Empathy and Understanding Go Both Ways

While addressing Alex’s emotions, it was equally important to acknowledge the parents’ hurt and shock caused by their child’s outburst. By validating their feelings, we emphasized the goal of finding better ways to communicate and work through challenges as a family, creating new and healthier patterns.

Exploring Underlying Issues: Communication and Relationship Dynamics

To address the root causes of the outburst, I redirected the conversation towards the long-standing communication patterns within the family. We examined the parents’ past reactions to Alex’s frustrations (often punishing him for his “outbursts,” which only led him to feel more angry, defensive, and disconnected) and the impact on their relationship. By understanding these dynamics, we paved the way for building a safe and respectful space for expressing emotions.

Tools for Effective Communication: Active Listening and Validation

To foster healthier communication, we introduced tools for active listening and effective communication. Emphasizing the importance of validating each other’s perspectives without resorting to defensive behaviors like hurtful language, we encouraged the family to engage in meaningful dialogue and understanding.

Nurturing Positive Changes: Patience, Dedication, and Consistent Effort

Positive changes do not happen overnight. Through continued counseling sessions and dedicated effort from all family members, the family gradually built healthier communication patterns and a deeper understanding of one another’s feelings. They developed strategies to work towards mutual understanding and resolution.


When faced with a child’s hurtful or disrespectful behavior, it’s crucial for parents to respond with compassion and empathy, acknowledging underlying emotions and addressing unmet needs. By reflecting back emotions, redirecting conversations towards feelings and needs, and creating a safe and validating environment, you can repair and strengthen you relationship with your child. With patience, dedication, and consistent effort, you can navigate difficult moments and foster a healthier and more joyful connection.

A Special Offer

If your relationship is strained with your child, consider enrolling in my Repair Your Relationship Jump Start program. I’ll be with you as you take that first courageous step towards building a healthier, happier, and more satisfying relationship with your child. You can actually go through this program with your child and really fast track the healing. Right now I’m offering 50% to make it a no-brainer. Click this link (https://repairyourrelationshiponline.com/) and use the coupon code RYR50.

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